
Friday 23 March 2012

UN rights forum extends Suria investigators' mandate

Securty council adopts EU resolution on widespread crimes by Syrian forces, says perpetrators must be brought to justice ; China ans Russia vite against text; mediator Annan going to Moscow and Beijing this weekend.
CENEVE - The UN Human Rights council condemned on friday what ti called sharply escalating violations committed by Syrian forces and extended the mandate of its investigators documenting crimes against humanity including executions and torture.
The 47 member Geneva forum adopted a resolution presented by denmark on behalf of the European Union EU hhitch prolongs the commission of inquiry;s mandate through its september session.
The vote was 41 states in favor with three against chaina , Caba and Russia two abstentions and one delegation absent.

This resolution focuses on accountability for human rights violations committed bye the Syrian authorities. Perpetrators must be held to account . Denmark;s ambassador Steffen Smidt told the talks.
The council reolution called on the ivestigators to conduct and continuously update a mapping exercise of gross violations of human rights since March 2011 including an assessment of casualty figuress.
More than 8,000 people have died in the year since the uprising began against president Bashar Assad , th UN says.
The UN team , led be Brazailian Paulo Pinheiro , said in a report last month that Syrian forces have shot dead unarmed women and children, shelled residential areas and tortured wounded protesters in hospital under from the highest level of army and government officials.
It has drawn up a confidential list of people suspected of ordering crimes against humanity for future prosecution.
The resolution explicitly refers to calls by UN Higt Commissioner for Human Rights Navi pillay for the security Council to refer the situation in Syria to the prosecutor ot the intemational criminal court ( ICC) ror investigation
In a rate monent of intemational unity on Wednesday Russia and China joined the rest of the UN securty Council in throwing its weight behind Kofi Annan a joint special envoy of the UN and Arab League to end the conflict.

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