
Monday 26 March 2012

Buddha boy maen detain 2 women

Nijadh march 26
Followers of buddha boy Ram Bhadur Bomjan have veen assuded of holding tow momen one a slovek captive.

It is learnd that members of the Bodhi Srawan dharama sangh an  association formed to oversee Bomjan;s security , held the  woment for practicing witchcraft and disturbing bomjans meditaion .

Bomjan has been meditating in the Halkhoriya forest of Ratanpur VDC in Bara district for the past seven years.
Though the identities of the woment have not been established officially people claiming to know them said the woman from Slovakia is named Marichi while the second woman is mata aani said to be from sindhupalchowk.

A person involved with the sangh said the two women have been detained for practicing witchcraft and trying to disrupt the meditaiton, Marichi had arrived in Nepal 11 months ago seeking audience with Bomjan . she stayed in a local hotel for some time before moving to a monastery in simara. The other woman meanwhile had been living in the Halkhoriya region for a while. Police said they received a report about the missing women a couple of days ago and that investigations ate underway.

We interrogated one Jash Bhadur Waiba of the sangh, He told us that the two women would be made pubilic on wednesday said pilece inspector Krishna Prasad Sharma . Two daya after the slovak woman went missing two sangh members had arrived at the monastery and taken away her laptop and clothes said a person involved in the conservation of the monastery. Some Local claimed having seen Marchi riding pollion on a motorcycly with two members to the direction of Bomjans meditation spot.

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