
Saturday 10 March 2012

Integration process will commence in a week or two dahal

Kathamandu March 8
Ucpn maoist chaiman pushpa kamal daha on thursday said the army integraion process would advance forward even if the peace and conctiution making process.
Talking to a delegation led by the reportest club the integration of combatants in the nepal army would be executed as per the seven point deal he said the integration process will gain momentum once the minor issues are sorted out .

Earlier rank derermination was the contentous issue responsible for delaying the process of integration of former maoist combatants into the nepal army maoista had demanded a rank of brigadier general for  combatants while non maoist parties had stated the rank would be decided based on the standard norma ot the nepal army .
Dahal said by now parties have found a strong basis for concluding the peace process in a week or two he argued the there was on contention in the integration peocess and restructuring of the state was the pressing issue that should be resoved at the political lavel.
The maoist chairman informed that his party had reached an agreement with the samyukta likthanrrik madhesi morcha to promulgare the new constiuin within may 27 deadlines . he said did dicussions with nepali congress were  positove to introduce a miced system of govermance in the new constioution
Dahal claimend that parties are close to consensus on a derectly elected president and the prime miniter elected fron the parlianent he said there was no much difference between parties on provisions regarding judeciay citizenship and electoral system to enshrened in the new consitution.

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