
Friday 16 March 2012

Cameron UK wonld not support Israeli strike on iran

I don't think as we stand today military action by israel wonld be justified ' British PM interview with NVC;  adds that he understands israeli sentiment on iran and he will not take options off the table.
The UK would not support an israeli strike on lran ; british prime minister david cameron said in an iterview with ABC published thusday .
I dont think as we stand today that millitary action by israel would be justified . comeron daid , I don't  think the israelis should take that action now, weve told them they shouldn;t and weve said that we support it if they did.
In a bid to dispel the idea that there might be a rifr in Israel UK  relations Comeron added that We are a friend of israel. Israel  has right to exist as a democratic state. It's very important that israel knows it has strong allies like america and like the united kingom.
That said comeron stressed that sanctions remain the preferred tactin for ending the lranian regimes nuclear program. I dont support action now because frankly we;ve got more road to run in putting in place sanctions in putting in place tough measures against the iranian regime.

They can have civil nuclear power he said if they give up thir mission of having milltary nuclear power thay can have a future as a conntry that has normal relations with the rest  of the world.
Asked whether he believes a policy of containment can and will work cameron responded with Im not arguing  for containment .What i am arguing for is massive pressure.
Iran's economy has been hit by rounds of European ans US sanctions causing instability in therans currency the rial . ON Telecommunications which facillitates most international money transfers to its system.
Despite heavy international sanctions Tehran has shown no signs of reassessing its nuclear drive.
Cameron also said that a nucleat armed iran would trigger a nuclear arms race in the middle East .He added that he understands strong israeli sentiment regarding the Iranian nuclear program, and said that he sympathizes with it.
We will not take any option off the table . Cameron said.(  by the jerusalem post)

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