

Lineberman; Hamas would cease to exist without  Iran's support
Speaking at aceremony marking 20 years to the  israeli embass buenos aires, fm says west bank jaza will not be unified for generations.
Foreign Minister avcigdor lieberman sai monday that without iranian support the futur of terror groups in gaza would be questionable.
Speaking at a ceremony marking 20 years to tha attack on the israeli embassy in bueson aires ., Liberman said iran provides oxygen to hamas and tother terror organizations by providing them withe funds and weapons.
lieberman said said that it is now known to al that iran stood behind the 1992 attacks through hezbollah adding that it is tragic that some of those behind the attack freely operate to paln attacks against israeli targets worsdwide.
Liwberman further stated that there will not be any unification between the gaza strip and the two territories, he added.
The palestinians habe destined themselves to a separation that will last for generations said lieberman.
Moreover lieberman announced that isral will begin building a new embassy in buenos aires in 2012 saying that it will immortalizw the memorry of the victims of the attack and srve as a sing that terror hill ont make us budge nor scare us.

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