
Tuesday 3 April 2012

Clouded leopard spotted in ACP

Kaski apr.
An endangered clouded leopard has been found inside the Annapurna Conservation Ateam that went to the area for a wolf study found the animal in a forest in Dhoda., about a 10-hour walk away from sikles.

Raju Achary of the ream said that 15 automatic cameras were installed in the area for 35 days which took the pictures of the leopard. It is good news to have found the endangered animal, he said adding this was the second the species was sighted in Nepal. Earlier the animal species was found  in the shivapuri NATIONAL park.

The leopard listed as an endangered animal by the National parks and Wildlife Conservation ACT 2029 ia douns in Nepal, India Bangladesh China Malaysia Thailand Indonesia Vietnam Laos and Cambodia an has mare than 10,000 populations. An animal of this species weighs between 15 kg to 23 kg and is less than one metre in beight.

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